Tuesday, 15 December 2009
My subject matter is...Textures
Possible caterories will include.... Fashion textures Nature man made textures everything all objects!
Research processes will include.... i will do primary research of maybe a journey through a forest or a shop
I will do secondary research which will include looking through a range of photographs and research into fashion items which rely on textures
Who/Where/Will you research..... Shops take photographs gather materials look into fruit textures floor textures
Sunday, 13 December 2009
Self Evaluation.
For the main part of this group project our group had a range of different themes which we had chosen from 1oo photographs we were asked to take of a range of different things. Some of these themes included the city, Experiences, Eeerie and creepie. We had to conclude all these ideas with one final theme which we would then go on to explore and solve the problem to we decided to go with experiences which people would have of leeds and to make this more enjoyable therefore "people could be happier in leeds". To prove that this was a problem we researched the ideas around what we were trying to proove to begin we designed a questionnaire which we would then send out into the public we asked such questions as what would make you happier? when and why are you mostly upset? if you could receive anything from someone for free what could they do?. I explored the scientific reasoning behind smiling and laughing including health physical and social benefits of doing so along with this i researched other such campaigns which were trying to do the same thing as we would propose. I looked at feel good music something which we could consider to play to people possibly get them to sing or dance?. As a group we also designed a sandwich board which would be worn and taken into the city to ask people "could you be happier? and would fill a yes no section out on the back. I looked further into a suggestion which was made to us about peforming a dance routine i looked through numorous different dance style and techniques including comedy acts and shows charleston dancing and T-sandwich Boards and Questionnaires. Secondary was looking at the different campaigns that had already taken place i researched these on the internet we relied on qualitative research rater than quantitive yet the stats still prooved that people could smile more around leeds college of art. Te researched which prooved more useful to me would be the qualitative as it was getting direct feedback in a more social manner and we are trying to promote the idea of being social and happy also we could ask directly what what cheer them up! The majority of these answers were food!! which then mainly focused our idea to sweets as the majority would find it very generous to give sweets out and for free??!! This is how we decided to gather our final solution we were going to hand the sweets around and then document it through photography (people receiving the free sweets and instantly being cheered up!). We also designed cards which had little quotes which we all helped think up such as "Smile for a while" they were hand drawn and had a personal touch to them. We could have researched into more about leeds college of art as we deicided to change our target audience i dont believe we gathered enough evidence of our target audience as we could have maybe this would have changed what we give out for free and maybe pushed the idea of performance piece.
five things that i have learned throughout this process:
1. Be more envolved within the group.
2. Express your ideas clearly and show visuals.
3. Dont let one member take over the whole project its a group brief you should all have a part in it!
4. Have faith in your work be more confident in what you do if not give anything a good go.
5. Research Research Research!
five things i will do differently next time:
1. More research!
2. Collaborate ideas clearly and everyday!
3. Work towards your solving the brief not doing work to bulk the project out!
4. Dont hide in the mist of group members be strong about my ideas and take credit for them!
5. If im struggling with something dont pass the book ask how they do it better!
Monday, 23 November 2009
Practical skills i believe
2. What approaches to/methods of problem solving have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
Methods of problem solving which i have learned works best for myself are brainstorming and having group crits which help me a lot when expressing my ideas and thoughts and talking them through with other members of the group also then you can decide whether the ideas would or wouldn't work!
3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
My strengths which I have found during the OUGD101 module are I have tried my best and used the materials that I had to make the best out of my work.
4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
My weaknesses in this module have been more apparent than ever! I am not fully satisfied with my final product as i have not got the skills on the adobe programs and are inexperienced in the digital print room. Therefore have had to work within the programs that I know to make the best out of what i had.
5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
1. Time management~ From this I will gain a better upper hand on keeping on top of the heavy workload.
2.Practice on the adobe programs~ familiarising myself with these programs will make my work more profressional in the future and can speed up my work proccess.
3.Organised~ organising my sheets will ensure i get things done in time and therefore lengthen the time I will have on the current projects rather than back tracking.
4.Blogging~ blog everyday then my annotation will be thorough and in depth.
5.Use library~ go into library for artist research rather than soley rely on internet references. Gain familiar referencing and expands knowledge of artists.
Are there any things we could have done differently that would have benefitted your progress?
More induction time in the digital print room as I have never used this facility and still feel uncomfortable doing this almost under pressure if I book time I need to know what and how to print! I little more help when given the brief maybe how to go about doing it meaning the technical side of things as I am more of a hand rendered person not computerised.
6.How would you grade yourself on the following areas:
(please indicate using an ‘x’)
5= excellent, 4 = very good, 3 = good, 2 = average, 1 = poor
Quantity of work produced
Quality of work produced
Contribution to the group
The evaluation of your work is an important part of the assessment criteria and represents a percentage of the overall grade. It is essential that you give yourself enough time to complete your written evaluation fully and with appropriate depth and level of self-reflection. If you have any questions relating to the self-evaluation process speak to a member of staff as soon as possible.
~ Good ideas will it be facts ou are using or persuasion?
~ Alot of experimentation and research done in to how the poster will fold out.. i like the idea of the martini glass
~ How well will the poster be able to communicate if its symbols?
~ Might scare people
~ 3D poster
~ Other forms of promotion other than a poster?
~ Envelope design
Actions to be taken to resolve issues raised:
I have taken into account all the above issues i have decided not to use the complex idea of the unfolding poster not right use for a nightclub poster also to add to this point i was trying to make it too simple by using symbol yet the issue about drunk females may find it difficult to understand. Other forms of promotion i like the idea of using stickers yet because i am targeting a more adult age group wont be as efffective so i have had the idea of beer mats on the bar with facts about Rape.
Making people aware of Date Rape is on the rise and to be more vigilant.
Dangerous only you can prevent it from happening to yourself.
Poster with information
Sexual health clinics.
Inform/ instruct/ persuade/ promote?
Informing other dangers how to prevent it.
Colour/ stock?
Black red white
Unaware of what actually goes in ours drinks maybe from the bar staff or people in a club?
IS this being communicate to you in a clear and focused way? UNSURE
What could be developed further?
It would work if the finalized idea is here.
Have the posters been kept simple and to the point? YES
Is the statement fact or question being proposed?
A question of do you know what is in your drink?
Has the restrictionof the two colours plus been met? YES
Are the two colours appropriate to the solution? NO
Why are the two colours inappropriate?
Has to be finalized needs to look at trying another colour maybe black and white and for the illustration and type and background colour to liven the page up.
Do the posters work as a set or a series? NO
Why do they work/dont work as part of of a set set or series and could this be developed further?
Image and type poster missing The identity between the two posters arent too clear. Add identity by colour /font/illustration/style.
Is it clearly evident which poster is type, image and type and image?
Yes the type and type and image make the othe poster.
Are the posters memorable, immediate high impact and clear?
Type needs to be stronger and clear maybe look at restaurant menus. bold illustrations would work if produced on a computer.
Do you feel the brief has fufilled to its potential? NO
Further feedback....
Produce missing poster on computer add another colour and think about what type you can use?
~ Explored range of a different approaches and visual investigation.
~ Good attempts to apply a variety of ideas relating to Sams personality.
~ Really strong resolutions.
~ Lots of research into theory.
~ Stronger as typographic image than typeface.
~ Use logic and system for each letter so that they work well as a set.
~ Explored a range of approaches to the typeface.
~ Attempts to apply a variety of a approaches to her partners personality
~ Strong resolutions.
~ Stronger as a typographic image rather than a practical typeface.
~ Lack in logic and system.
~Apply logic and system to the letterforms.
Tuesday, 27 October 2009
Tuesday, 29 September 2009
- I would hope to have a better understanding of how type and image work together in order to get the most effective poster/leaflet or advertisement.
- I would like a broader knowledge of artist and understanding of how the work and what inspires them to work in this way.
- To have a close link within the industry and be able to collaborate my ideas within a professional environment.
- Be able to work within the areas of graphic design which i am not most comfortable with at the moment.
- Work within a group and have a valid role which my ideas will be considered and used.
- To be able to evaluate work in a professional manner using correct graphic terms.
- Improve on digital photography and manipulating images using the adobe programs.
- Experiment with mark making and image making by printing methods such as screen printing.
- Have my designs go to print within industry.
- Be a freelance artist during the 3rd year before getting my degree.
How To ....Self Evaluation.
What role(s) did you take on in this group?
I researched all packaging ideas which we chose our main idea from. I also took on the role of illustrating the project in order to make it appear as more of a pack and be linked together in some way i did research for these also. I worked on our initially ideas also and wrote the narration for the presentation.
How well do you think you performed in the role(s)?
I believe i interacted in a sufficient enough so that we all had a range of different ideas to go with. I thoroughly enjoyed researching the ideas for the illustration the research was difficult for what they wanted to produced i looked at nets and templates for a range of envelopes and sick bags parcels.
How well do you think you worked as a group?
Very well we had good communication skills although it seemed a little better at the beginning through the concept n idea stage than towards the end when we were producing the products. We were unsure how to share the load of work we knew what we was doing yet no one wanted to be appointed the leader of the group yet i think this was due to the fact we didn’t know each other that well and therefore wasn’t sure of everyones strengths.
What were the positives of working in a group?
The positives of working in a group was we was able to see how different styles could collaborate to become a strong final product. i have made closer friends from working closer with a small group of people in the studio and also have knowledge of peoples skills so can ask for help whenever i need it.
What were the negatives of working in a group?
Hard to organise time and keep all the group focused and busy. Difficult to please everyone as we are strong minded designers and have opinions on certain things.
What will you do differently next time?
Organise time and specific jobs for people to get on with instead of feeling lost.
Where could you have improved your resolution?
More research to the public rather than internet based. Needed to spend more time on presentation to make sure it was all rehearsed and finished to a good enough quality.
What are the strengths of your presentation?
Humorous and interactive.